Riddle No 6: Beloved Partner to the Thrown
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11. When you look at a word and then switch the beginning with the end, it becomes beloved.
The answer - read / dear.
12. My parents called me "the gift of the gods". I married the nephew of a senior general and later on became his partner to the thrown. Who am I?
The Answer - Empress Theodora.
Theodora was the wife of Justinian I, the eastern romen emperor (483-565). Her name means "gift of the gods". She married Justinian before he became an emperor. Justinian uncle, justin, was a general who took the emperor thrown by force. In 527 he made Justinian associate emperor. Upon justin death he became sole ruler. Theodora, his wife, ruled bside him as an almost equal partner.
11. When you look at a word and then switch the beginning with the end, it becomes beloved.
The answer - read / dear.
12. My parents called me "the gift of the gods". I married the nephew of a senior general and later on became his partner to the thrown. Who am I?
The Answer - Empress Theodora.
Theodora was the wife of Justinian I, the eastern romen emperor (483-565). Her name means "gift of the gods". She married Justinian before he became an emperor. Justinian uncle, justin, was a general who took the emperor thrown by force. In 527 he made Justinian associate emperor. Upon justin death he became sole ruler. Theodora, his wife, ruled bside him as an almost equal partner.
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