
My own Original Riddles, Word Puzzles and Trivia Questions. Classic Literary Riddles and more.

Location: Israel

Monday, May 22, 2006

Riddle No 10: Stadiums, Cattle and Equality

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19. Without its head, it is no longer in stadiums but near the sea. The answer - sport/port

20. I was originated from a specie of cattle and was always first among equals. What am I?

The answer - The letter A. the letter A in Latin comes from the Greek "alpha" which comes from the first letter of the Phoenician alphabet. The signs in the Phoenician alphabet (the source of most modern alphabets), came originally from pictures. Each picture was a symbol of a word that begun with the consonant represented by that letter. For example - the sign of the letter M was a picture of water because the word for water in Phoenician is "mayim" - which begins with an M. the sign A was written by a picture of a bull - "aluf" in Phoenician.


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