
My own Original Riddles, Word Puzzles and Trivia Questions. Classic Literary Riddles and more.

Location: Israel

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Riddle No 18:

In order to find the answer just drag your mouse cursor over the whole post and it will become visible.

35. One can drive me, fly me, ride the seas on me or even play chess with me. The origin of my name is ownerless. What am I?

The answer: a Mustang. The name "Mustang" was used for automobile, aircrafts, sailing yacht and even a chess-playing software program. The origin of the name Mustang is from Spanish - animalia mixta, mesteño or mestengo - "an ownerless beast".

36. If you add a tale and switch the middle, she can't fly but can be married.

The answer: bride/bird

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Riddle No 17: a Fast Chief

In order to find the answer just drag your mouse cursor over the whole post and it will become visible.

33. An Indian Chief, who can drive at a speed of more then 100 mph. who am I?

The answer: Chief Pontiac. The famous Ottawa chief.

34. When all loses its end, and follows a number it uses numbers for input, processing.

The answer: digital = digit+al.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Riddle No 16: An Indivisible split

In order to find the answer just drag your mouse cursor over the whole post and it will become visible.

31. A guard who always knows when. The answer: a watch.

32. My name is indivisible. When I do split, I can be usfull or couse a big damage.

The answer: an atom. The name "atom" means indivisible in Greek. the process of atomic fission, in which the nucleus of an atom splits, produce a large amount of energy that can be used in nuclear power plant or an atom bomb…..

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Riddle No 15: a Visible "d"

29. When the "d" is visible, it can grow to be many things.
The answer - a seed (=see + "d")

30. Although I never learned to read or write, my book is one of the most famous in the world. At the beginning, my views were not accepted by most of my family and I was forced to exile. Years later, I returned and became my city leader. Who am I?

The answer - the prophet Muhammad.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Riddle No 14: Peanuts and Forests

In order to find the answer just drag your mouse cursor over the whole post and it will become visible.

27. From the beginning he roams the forest and from the end he grows by the water.
The answer - deer/reed.

28. At the very beginning I was driven by peanut. What am I?

The answer - the Diesel engine: When Rudolf Diesel first demonstrated his invention at the World's Fair, in 1900 he used peanut oil as fuel.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Riddle No 13: Nocturnal Physics

In order to find the answer just drag your mouse cursor over the whole post and it will become visible.

25. A branch of physics is unclear with just a tiny change.
The answer: nuclear - unclear.

26. When one can ride on what's comes after the evening it can disturb one's sleep.
The answer: a nightmare (=night + mare)