
My own Original Riddles, Word Puzzles and Trivia Questions. Classic Literary Riddles and more.

Location: Israel

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Riddle No 12: Smart and Noble Would Be Engineer

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23. He is very smart, even without his head he is never wrong.

The answer - bright - right.

24. By my name I am noble and bright which indeed I was. My family is named after a stone. My father wanted me to be an engineer, but I got a teaching diploma. After I failed to find a position I started to work for a state institute. A few years later I became famous for my work. Who am I?

The answer-
Albert Einstein - The name "Albert" comes From the Germanic name "Adalbrecht" which meant "bright nobility". The name Einstein means "a stone" in German. his father intended him to be an electrical engineer, but due to many circumstances, in 1900 he was granted a teaching diploma by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich. After failing to find a teaching position, he became a technical assistant examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. later on he became famous.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Riddle No 11: Fierce Egged Shaped Hot Stuff

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21. If you play with the fierce you can do it on a horse. The answer- dire - ride.

22. I have the shape of an egg. I am searing hot inside and quite cool on the outside although it's not always seems that way. What am I?

The answer - Planet Earth.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Riddle No 10: Stadiums, Cattle and Equality

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19. Without its head, it is no longer in stadiums but near the sea. The answer - sport/port

20. I was originated from a specie of cattle and was always first among equals. What am I?

The answer - The letter A. the letter A in Latin comes from the Greek "alpha" which comes from the first letter of the Phoenician alphabet. The signs in the Phoenician alphabet (the source of most modern alphabets), came originally from pictures. Each picture was a symbol of a word that begun with the consonant represented by that letter. For example - the sign of the letter M was a picture of water because the word for water in Phoenician is "mayim" - which begins with an M. the sign A was written by a picture of a bull - "aluf" in Phoenician.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Riddle No 9: Wizards and Destructive Sports Symbols

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17. A wizard who can be played with. The answer - mage ( an anagram of game)

18. One of us is made from the other. We were both symbols of sports groups which almost destroyed our state capitol. Who are we?

The answer - blue and green- the color green is a combination of blue and yellow. These colors were the symbols of two rivals hippodrome factions in the roman and later Byzantine empires. Their rivalry was so intense that in 532 BC during the reign of emperor Justinian I, riots between them destroyed large part of Constantinople and almost brought down the emperor.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Riddle No 8: Genes and Samll Distances

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15. From the end to the beginning also can be a genetic code. The answer - and - dna

16. Although I have force they call me weak. I am one of four but only two of us work at distances to small to see. What am I?

The answer - The weak interaction (sometimes called the "weak nuclear force"). It is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. It is one of two nuclear interactions, both called nuclear, due to their short range (so short that it is actually shorter then the radius of an atom nucleas). The weak interaction is called "weak" because it is weaker then the other nuclear interaction (usually called the "nuclear force")

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Riddle No 7: Poetic Advertisement and Central Europe

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13. When an advertisement comes after a sphere, it can be very poetic.

The answer - a ballad (=ball + ad)

14. I was born in central Europe and weighed quiet a lot. Today I am all over the world and much lighter. What am I?

The answer - a Dollar - the origin of its name is from the name Thaler or Taler, after the name of coins from the silver mines of a famous valley in bohemia (thal means valley in germen).

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Riddle No 6: Beloved Partner to the Thrown

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11. When you look at a word and then switch the beginning with the end, it becomes beloved.

The answer - read / dear.

12. My parents called me "the gift of the gods". I married the nephew of a senior general and later on became his partner to the thrown. Who am I?

The Answer - Empress Theodora.
Theodora was the wife of Justinian I, the eastern romen emperor (483-565). Her name means "gift of the gods". She married Justinian before he became an emperor. Justinian uncle, justin, was a general who took the emperor thrown by force. In 527 he made Justinian associate emperor. Upon justin death he became sole ruler. Theodora, his wife, ruled bside him as an almost equal partner.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Riddle No 5: Periods of Time and Nuclear Testing Sites

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9. He, she or it returned before a period of time. The answer - camera (=came + era)

10. I am small and tight and usually colorful. I am called after a nuclear testing site. What am I?

The answer - Bikini - the Bikini was invented in 1946, and named after the island of Bikini Atoll, a nuclear testing site in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific, at a time when nuclear weapon was quit fashionable.....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Riddle No 4: "K" and Conquerers

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7. When the "k" is spooked, you can learn a lot from it. The answer - A book = boo + k

8. My father crossed the sea to conquer territories in another continent. In that continent I won my greatest victories. After I returned to my homeland I lost an important battle. I spent years on exile and died in a third continent a short time before my enemy caught me. Who am I?

The answer - Hannibal.

Hannibal was born in North Africa. As a child he accompanied his father in his campaign to Spain. During the next to decades after his father death he won tine after time in numerous battles in Spain and Italy. In 202 BC he was forced to come back to Africa where he lost the battle of zama. He died in 183 BC after he took poison in order not to fall in the hands of the romens.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Riddle No 3: Generals and Kings

After achieving the highest rank in my country's army, I was adopted by the king of an enemy state. Before that, I married the ex fiancé of my commander and ruler. Who am I?

The answer to riddle No 2 - Napoleon -

Napoleon fought in Europe, Africa (Egypt) and Asia (Palestine). He was born in Corsica. His armies brought the ideas of the French revolution to the lands they conquered, among them the idea of liberty.

The answer - Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte - Bernadette was one of napoleon marshal's. In 1810 he was adopted by the Swedish king and later on became king of Sweden by the name of Karl the 14. His wife Desire, was napoleon fiancé prior to his marriage to jojefin

Monday, May 08, 2006

Riddle No 2: Dictators

I fought in 3 continents. I ruled on a land which I wasn't born in. Although I was a dictator, I brought the message of liberty to the land I conquered. Who am I?

The answer to riddle No 1 - Gandhi -

Gandhi's first name is "mohandes" which is the Arabic word for engineer. He got decorated for organizing ambulance units during the Boer war. He begun his political carrier in South Africa, and then returned to India and there he fought the British.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Riddle No 1: A Decorated War Antagonist

1. My name is similar to that of a profession. Although I was against war, I was decorated for my participation in one. I begun my political activity in one continent but fought in a second against a country in a third continent. Who am I?