Riddle No 12: Smart and Noble Would Be Engineer
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23. He is very smart, even without his head he is never wrong.
The answer - bright - right.
24. By my name I am noble and bright which indeed I was. My family is named after a stone. My father wanted me to be an engineer, but I got a teaching diploma. After I failed to find a position I started to work for a state institute. A few years later I became famous for my work. Who am I?
The answer-
Albert Einstein - The name "Albert" comes From the Germanic name "Adalbrecht" which meant "bright nobility". The name Einstein means "a stone" in German. his father intended him to be an electrical engineer, but due to many circumstances, in 1900 he was granted a teaching diploma by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich. After failing to find a teaching position, he became a technical assistant examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. later on he became famous.
23. He is very smart, even without his head he is never wrong.
The answer - bright - right.
24. By my name I am noble and bright which indeed I was. My family is named after a stone. My father wanted me to be an engineer, but I got a teaching diploma. After I failed to find a position I started to work for a state institute. A few years later I became famous for my work. Who am I?
The answer-
Albert Einstein - The name "Albert" comes From the Germanic name "Adalbrecht" which meant "bright nobility". The name Einstein means "a stone" in German. his father intended him to be an electrical engineer, but due to many circumstances, in 1900 he was granted a teaching diploma by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich. After failing to find a teaching position, he became a technical assistant examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. later on he became famous.
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