Riddle No 18:
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35. One can drive me, fly me, ride the seas on me or even play chess with me. The origin of my name is ownerless. What am I?
The answer: a Mustang. The name "Mustang" was used for automobile, aircrafts, sailing yacht and even a chess-playing software program. The origin of the name Mustang is from Spanish - animalia mixta, mesteƱo or mestengo - "an ownerless beast".
36. If you add a tale and switch the middle, she can't fly but can be married.
The answer: bride/bird
35. One can drive me, fly me, ride the seas on me or even play chess with me. The origin of my name is ownerless. What am I?
The answer: a Mustang. The name "Mustang" was used for automobile, aircrafts, sailing yacht and even a chess-playing software program. The origin of the name Mustang is from Spanish - animalia mixta, mesteƱo or mestengo - "an ownerless beast".
36. If you add a tale and switch the middle, she can't fly but can be married.
The answer: bride/bird
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